
Blood leakage detector Internal BLDI


Blood leakage detector Internal BLDI

by DataMed

Application field : Blood leakage detectionHemodialysis
Measured Parameters : Blood temperature (Tblood)
Sensors type : Panel Mounted


BLDI (Blood leakage detector Internal) is a panel mount highly integrated optical probe used in conjunction with disposable cuvette. It is a non-invasive optical sensor, developed to detect small amounts of blood in clear fluids passing through a pyrex glass cuvette. 

A threshold triggers an alarm if the amount of blood in the fluid exceeds a predefined threshold. 

Blood concentration0.05 - 1 ‰
Blood Sensitivity0.05‰
Status Code0-1 under-up threshold
Technical Details
Cuvette connector sizeMin flow rateMax flow rate
Outer diameter 13 mm0.3 l/min 7.0 l/min
Communication configuration
Host equipment
  • Flexya – BELLCO MEDTRONIC RCS (Italy)
Unique Features
  • 100% blood calibration – all sensors are calibrated in house before shipment
  • No use of dye for threshold determination
  • Data output includes blood concentration (not only threshold determination)
  • High sensitivity for blood detection
  • Customized design available